crying boy clutches to mother who holds him close- maybe they have to separate

Separation Anxiety

Would you like some help? Book a Free Short Consultation now!

Separations are inevitable, and all children have feelings about being away from you.  Sometimes these are easy to manage, and sometimes they make parting for short times difficult and stressful.

The good news is that you can make a plan for resolving your child’s feelings about separation. You can fill their cup of connection, build safety, and listen to their feelings in a way that will build your child’s confidence and resilience.  They will be able to be happy to leave you and be able to fully enjoy themselves while you are away, knowing you will return.

Why children get anxious, and what to do about it

Listen here as Madeleine and her colleague, Rebecca Nowlen, talk through how the Hand in Hand approach can help.

Watch as Madeleine talks about leaving your child at pre-school – why  “drop and go” is a good option.

Download this article “Separation Anxiety Recovery” from Patty Wipfler, Hand in Hand Parenting (Palo Alto) Founder.  She outlines why children have fears about separation from you, and the steps you can take to assist them. She explains the “long goodbye”, and what to do if you have to leave in a hurry.

And you can learn more here – Webinar on Separation Anxiety.

Learn about Playing Away Separation Anxiety

Get even more help

Try this Course:  This online, self guided course “Say Goodbye to Separation Anxiety” is full of useful information about how to use connection and play and listening to shift your child’s fears about parting from you for short times.  Consisting of three “classes”, you will learn about why your child is afraid of you leaving, how to provide reassurance and build connection through play, and how to listen to their sadness and upsets.  For $55, it’s a real bargain.  Combine it with a Parenting Consultation with Madeleine  where we can help you make a connection plan that will help resolve the tensions about leaving your children for short times.

Would you like to talk to someone in-person?

You weren’t meant to parent alone and I would love to help.

Book a Free Short Consultation now!

Listening Tools

Learn more about the Hand in Hand Listening tools and download helpful PDF’s:
The Hand in Hand Toolbox
Hand in Hand Listening Tools

Attended one of Madeleine’s talks or Webinars?

Download a copy of her slides here.

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©2014-2023 by Madeleine Winter.  The image above is “CL Society 118: Boy crying” by Francisco Osorio
Please click on other pictures for information and credits.