Parenting Consultations

Mum and Boy, smiling at camera, huggingShort on time?  Can’t get to a regular group or event? Have burning issues you want solved in your family as soon as possible?

Sometimes, it is very helpful to talk to someone in person about the specific challenges that you face in your family life. I offer Parenting Consultations, for individuals and couples, usually phone based.

Consultations are  generally 60 minutes long for individuals, and 90 Minutes for Couples.

Book here for $AU if you are in Australia or NZ
Book here for $US if you anywhere else in the world

This is the difference it can make:

“I had a very difficult time with my daughter and the pressures at the end of a new pregnancy. I’ll remember my experience with her consultations late at night in the dark as the only guidance I had during a period when I struggled to make it through. Worth every penny!” – Mother of 6, 4, 2 y.o’s and baby, in San Diego, CA, USA

“I went into my last relationship with the belief that if two people were willing to work on themselves, their relationship would become stronger. What I have learned is that people can grow and their relationship can become healthier, but a healthy relationship between two people frequently does not involve living together as romantic partners. So I bought a condo to live in with my son, and his father comes over to see him frequently. I don’t at all have the family life that I envisioned, but my boy is getting lots of love from lots of people and I’ve never been happier!  We certainly wouldn’t be where we are today without you, Madeleine!” – Mother of 10 year old boy, Oakland, CA, USA

And her ex-partner says “I’ll second that. I’ve never met you Madeleine so I never had the chance to thank you for all the work you did with Teresa that helped her become such a wonderful mother! THANK YOU”

Want to check out more reviews?


What times is Madeleine available?
What happens in a Parenting Consultation?
Do you work with Couples?
How long are the Consultations and how many will I need to do?
Terms and Conditions

What happens in a Parenting Consultation?

I am a certified Hand in Hand Instructor, and as such, I do not provide psychotherapy. My aim is to work with you on your specific parenting challenges in a parent-to-parent advisory role. I can assist you to understand how the Listening Tools that we teach might work in your family and give you feedback and advice as you try them. I can also help you to work through your own challenges and issues raised by parenting. (I’ve found that there is not a parent who does not have challenges and issues!).

Do you work with Couples?

Would you like help getting “on the same page” as your parenting partner?  Would you like to be tackling your parenting challenges as a team?  The challenges of parenting are complex, and I often work with couples. I can help you develop a shared picture of the problem and a concrete plan of action which you can implement together.

How long are the Consultations, and how many sessions will I need to do?

People tend to have one or two consultations to get started, and then might check in again once they have had a chance to try the Listening Tools in their family. You are welcome to set up as many, or as few, sessions as you need, and it is completely up to you. You should see shifts and changes in your family dynamic within one or two sessions.

Many parents also move on to join a Parent Support Group – where you meet a few times, either in person or over the phone, with a small group of other parents who are also interested in using Hand in Hand in their families. Parents find it very helpful to hear other parent’s stories about using the Listening Tools at home, and to learn that they are not alone.

Initial consultations are 60 minutes long for individuals, and 90 minutes for Couples. Follow-up Consultations can be purchased as follows:

  • 60 minute follow up individual Consultations
  • 60-90 minute follow up Consultations for Couples (90 minutes is my preference, but once we have had an Initial Consultation, if time is short, we can make 60 minutes work).

Terms and Conditions

Click here for Terms and Conditions
However, please note: I’m hoping you are planning to schedule the Consultation soon, but if the stars don’t line up, you have 6 months from the date of purchase to use the Consultations you have paid for, after which they will be forfeited.

Please contact me if you need more information.

Please book and pay using these links, and I will be in touch:

Book here for $AU if you are in Australia or NZ
Book here for $US if you anywhere else in the world

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©2014-2024 by Madeleine Winter.
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